Wednesday 15 June 2011

University Fees: Tuition Fees UK – Should Rich Students be able to pay for University Places?

University Fees

If students from wealthier backgrounds can pay more, should they be able to pay for the places they want at a University in the UK? This is a question that is facing the Tuition Fees debates in the UK. In the article linked below there are two opinions, one that believes that if everyone will win from this situation, and another that believes we are going backwards. What should Universities in the UK do and say about this situation? Should they support those who want to pay more by extra fee-paying places? If the rich are paying more this can be viewed as a good thing. But these changes could mean a more privatized system in UK University education in the end.

From the source: Everybody wins - Nobody loses and everybody wins from the government's proposal to allow universities to create extra places, on top of the government's student quotas, for those willing to pay higher upfront fees…. A Century of progress disregarded: According to a report by one policy research institution, England is about to experience "the largest single increase in tuition fees anywhere in the world since records began".

Friday 10 June 2011

UK University - An £18,000 Private College Launched, Famous Academics

British Academics launch £18,000 college in London. Would you pay this much to be taught by the ‘academic elite’?

"A private college in England aiming to rival Oxford and Cambridge is being launched by leading academics.The New College of the Humanities says it will teach "gifted" undergraduates and prepare them for degrees from the University of London."

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Education news - A Level exams: Impossible questions on A Level Exams

The media keeps on with the debate that exams are getting easier, but some A Level exams have been set impossible questions. 
From the source: Pupils taking an AS-level exam have been given a question that could not be answered - the second such problem this summer. The latest unanswerable question was in a business studies paper set by the AQA exam board.
Read More: Exam question error in AS-Level Paper.


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